Monday, October 6, 2008

Marnie - Revolution by night

I have a few ideas on how I want my club to look.
I was thinking about having either half/half, all on one level or just one huge room. I like the idea of setting the club as a roof top terrace..
Ideas: day/night - under the sea (fish tanks) - in the sky with clouds - clowns (circus theme: cabaret voltaire I would call it instead if we are allowed to change the name). Depending on which theme I choose depends on the characters and layout. I like the idea of having glass panels instead of walls. I would also like to make the club totally out of found objects. Things that I have found outside or old bits and pieces. Bring them all together and make something new again.
I like interactive things within the club.
I think a good club has a balance of a good dance floor with ample amount of space, comfortable lounges, mood lighting, outside areas (fairylights and also more seating), good music and easy to get at bar with enough staff so you dont have to wait for ages. There wouldn't be just a main focus on one part in my revolution by night.

1 comment:

stacy said...

you are required to change level in this brief. the difference in levels is up to you. the name is fixed although cafe voltaire is where the surrealists met and partied. using found objects is fine. it is important that you put them together in the surrealist manner.colours, textures, featured artists, will the tables be melting watches??? tell me more.