Wednesday, May 12, 2010


This beautiful "carpet" is created every year in the Grand Palace  in   Brussels...all fresh flowers - Begonias.  Breathtaking sight.  So much beauty in this world and the computer enables all to enjoy it.  



  How's that for a flower garden?

Posted via email from breedom's posterous

Sunday, May 9, 2010

D&G fashion week Milan

What colour in your life and Mac

If your even not sure of what colour this may help you.

Posted via email from breedom's posterous

Colour and colour palettes

intelligent design by Neil Tyson

A thinking man, listen to his ideas, theories on life, religion, god plus much more. Looking at some of our greatest thinkers through out time. there is 109 to view on utube.

Posted via email from breedom's posterous

Edward de Bono Six Thinking Hats

This is a fantastic series please watch 1 to 7. It improves thinking, ideas and problem solving. Don't dismiss watch all 7 to get the full picture. Edward De Bono a amazing man with a system that is use able to everyone in many situations.

Posted via email from breedom's posterous

Living in colour

Art/design where ever I go. BOTTLE SHOP FUN. I call these photographs CruiseN and Breezzer. Just couldn't resist the colours drew me in.

Posted via email from breedom's posterous

Artist Robyn Jordan

Self taught artist with a background in Fashion design and Graphic art. Her inspiration comes from "The Body Beautiful". You can view her work at Robina community gallery from 6th of May till the 17th of May or to purchase her work contact Robyn Jordon on 0406 249281.

Posted via email from breedom's posterous